

Kurds have been the victims of Turkish state terror and racist genocidal forced assimilationist policies for nearly 100 years!

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. With leadership comes responsibility 2 protect freedom of expression for all your citizens. Any leader must be able to accept criticism with dignity and respect for all your citizen's rights. It's not about you, it's about Turkish democracy for ALL!

138 759

Turkey has created millions of refugees by their own actions. Support of ISIS, invasion of Afrin, destruction of Sirnak, Nusaybin, Cizre, invasion of Northern Syria, support of al Nusra, al Qaeda etc. planned for massive population displacements. ERDOGAN IS TO BLAME!

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Kurdish people are calling for charges of war crimes to be brought against the Turkish President for systematic crimes carried out by forces under his control in N. Syria. Time to Please support their campaign.

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"Turkish military forces and their allies have displayed an utterly callous disregard for civilian lives, launching unlawful deadly attacks in residential areas that have killed and injured civilians!"


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