

Life is too short to worry about the small things! Everything will be okay. 💖

Summoned Spirit | Bug Enjoyer | Artist | He/Him | @ottersiderum 💖

フォロー数:671 フォロワー数:963

Blue: [He welcomes them to the camp, offering them a place to rest their legs. He is a very quiet man, but considering his tribe are out, he tries his best] "Rest up all ya like, okay? I'll go fetch a couple'o'hot drinks, hopefully that'll help keep ya warm in fronta the fire."

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Doppel: [He laughs softly, his bunny ears twitching around as he talks] "You look like you're full of magic. Possibly bursting at the seams! How about you become the star of my show, mm?"

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Kookaburra: [Laughing softly] "Let me guess... you're all looking for a sailor get you across these wild, wild waters?"

[He rests against his paddle]

"Jump right on in."

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Agent X: [He speaks with a calm tone, polite and gentle] "I don't believe we've met before, my good sir. Greatest of days to you, and I must say, I am quite the fan of that mask of yours. How wonderful."

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Sylvester: [He smiles, speaking rather politely, well-spoken and clearly upper-class] "I'm not on show right now, sorry to disappoint."

"Are you a fan at all, sweetheart? I can get you a signature if it's what you're after."

[He mostly assumes due to their star hair clip]

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Dr. Rogue: [Curiously, unsure why she was hanging around in the laboratories without a visitor lanyard] "You appear to be looking awfully lost, dear. Could I perhaps... show you the way out? Loving the hair ties, by the way."

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Shane: [He smiles, leaning back in his chair, taking in your character's appearance] "Nice flames, man. Gotta teach me how to dress like that. Reckon it'd be radical for a concert."

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Renegade: [Despite generally being very calm, he seems excitable, and perhaps up for a challenge] "Catch this boomerang and I'll teach ya how t'throw it, cobba! Heads up!"

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Robin: [Fiercely, with warning] "Begone, demon... or you shall feel my wrath. This desert is no home of yours."

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Harmony: [Gentle, friendly laughter] "You're lookin' at me like you wanna try the mask on. I bet I guessed right!"

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