

Not imitation or artificial; genuine. Brilliantly Absurd. Friend of Mordred. 😎

フォロー数:1060 フォロワー数:576

Kurt, you don’t leave the Queen hanging bruh.

13 113

She already knew the truth from Spying on them and,
Even though She didn’t know why they were lying, she STILL chose to stir the pot and quietly watch the chaos ensue.

Messy Messy Messy Mystique 💙

5 24

With Mutant powers at play, how kinky does it get on Krakoa?
Stacy X could get a Krakoan porn production deal with the mojo verse if she was focused on the bag.

0 2

Mystique said in this family we ——

0 6

When I send you “👩🏾‍🦰🏝🗿💊” it means

0 3

Wait y’all let her in here wearing the Orchis flower???!!!! The disrespect

1 11

I knew y’all was the OPPS

0 0


1 19