

IRL cryptid. I don’t know what I’m doing with this account anymore 🤷‍♀️

フォロー数:157 フォロワー数:58

And finally, Saxon Faladir. Half-elf acrobat/archer. Stoic as a brick but is actually quite pleasant to talk to. Has the most fangirls, which makes Telfor upset. Very observant and surprisingly good with kids.

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Midge Gramboodle. Gnome. Performed with illusion magic. Has retired from shows due to her age. Is very quirky and scatterbrained in conversation. Is the only other one who knows the secrets that Rouven is hiding.

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Aurelia "Rell" Vyddrin. Brass dragonborn dancer. Works fire into her performances. Tries to keep her cool but is very passionate about her interests, and gets excited when others mention them. Just call her Rell.

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Telfor Rouven. Pretty much your typical bard, but is less successful with wooing the ladies. Loves pulling pranks and squabbled with Rikah like a true brother. Is currently still MIA. Denounced his real last name in favor of Rouven.

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Marcus Rouven. Troupe leader and Rikah's adoptive father. A wood elf who masquerades as a human for various reasons. Went through a lot but loves to party. Once rolled a nat 20 on his death save because Rikah was in danger. He's a good dad 10/10

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Another post for
Astrid was an abjuration wizard that I played while Rikah was stuck in the Elemental Plane of Air. She's a headstrong hero-wannabe looking to prove herself to her Overprotective Wizard Parents™

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I won't be following super closely but it gives me an excuse to share some art! This is my Aarakocra monk, Rikah, before and after the campaign dragged her through the mud. She's hanging in there. Barely.

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I made matching icons for myself and based off of Lancer from
They're so dumb and we've been using them everywhere

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