

“Artist”, player of video games, caretaker of cats, and lover of animals and insects alike. Also lover of boobs, but then again who isn't? Any pronouns ok lol

フォロー数:319 フォロワー数:114



I can’t just pick one mochi drawing, it’s too hard. So my favorite drawing outside of Mochi would be this one representing my man ryu’s great oc. I love how he draws faces and expressions and you absolutely nailed it while still keeping it your own thing.

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Typo? What typo? That dakuten was always there, you’re acting bananas.

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I made a flipped edit for my own pfp, it’s all yours if you want it. Thank you so much for her!!!!!
(Reuploaded because I forgot to mirror your sig, srry for double notifications)

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One day I might get around to finishing my colorization of these glorious moments. Until then enjoy what I have, fellow of culture.

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Gotta take a moment to shout out my boy ’s series which is VERY related.

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Did someone say cursed?

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