

Hio, I like to draw sometimes


フォロー数:2060 フォロワー数:2128

im tired

7 170

have a crappu doodle i did a while back but never posted

9 70

Do my dad

He's a fan of elevators

0 10

was just temperately laid off my job

looks like i've joined the Quarantine Qlub

8 146

some high as fuck cat broke into my house and started watching reruns of big bang theory

4 34

yare yare daze

3 40

❤️Hahahaha 🤣 this is 🛹 totally me 😆 when the 👿 demons 😈 come out to 💀 haunt 👻 me and I 👀 know 🧠 hiding 🙈 is useless🙅 and I'm about 😮 to 🍆 experience 😖 unimaninable 😵 pain 🤕 Hahahaah 💗

0 8

Aaaaaaa ehee
Have a doodle my dudes

11 47

Ooooo it's a doodle what up

5 50