

Matriarch. Freelance illustrator. Sticker enthusiast. Maker of all sorts of things & worshipper of dirt in the rainy Northwest.

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My personal coping mechanisms for the last two weeks: I’ve rearranged our living space, started building a garden, been trying to bake more and make art with my kiddo.

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Things that you can do to stay sane & safe during quarantine:
Take a quiet bath. 🛁
It’s important to find time to relax and reflect during these trying times. A hot bath is good for the soul.

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Things that you can do to stay sane & safe during quarantine:
Learn a new recipe. 🍞
Few things are more satisfying than making your own delicious meal for yourself and your family. This is even more satisfying when it includes trying new things!

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Things that you can do to stay sane & safe during quarantine:
Plant something or start a garden. 🌱
Do you have access to dirt, containers, a yard & seeds? It feels good to help a plant grow, and maybe even eventually harvest & consume that plant or vegetable for nourishment.

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Commission for a client on Insta of their kitties, Bird (left) and Knives (right). 🐈🐈
Watercolor and ink.

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We’ve been together for 11 years. He’s supportive, an amazing father, and always eager to lend a hand. His smile is infectious and his voice makes me feel at home no matter where we are. He’s my best friend and my favorite human. 🖤

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Here are a few of my pocket monster illustrations from over the last couple years.

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This Valentine’s Day, show them just how much you love them: give them the gift of Blue™.

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