Year 5 Hill Meadさんのプロフィール画像

Year 5 Hill Meadさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:202 フォロワー数:221

This is the last page of the story. We have finished Flotsam. The boy takes his picture, throws the camera in the ocean, it washes up on a beach. What happens next? Who is the child? Why is he at the beach? What might the next story be called? What might happen in the new story?

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Good morning Year 4! Choose one of the characters below and write a story about their adventures at the beach. Consider where they come from and why they went to the beach. What is their name? How did they find the camera? How did they discover the pictures? What happened next?

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Good Morning Year 4. In Flotsam, the camera takes photographs of underwater mythical sea creatures. Choose one of the photos and draw it as best as you can. Look closely at your photo. Can you write some words to describe the photo you chose? What you can see? What do you notice?

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Good morning Year 4! Today you will be creating a persuasive advert convincing people to buy the 'Melville underwater camera'.

What can the camera do? Why should they buy it? Why is it special? Use the tips below on creating an advert to help you include the correct features.

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Search around your home for objects. Divide them into two categories - heavy and light. Look at each of your categories, which is your heaviest object and which is your lightest? Can you arrange the objects in order heaviest to lightest? Explain how you estimated the weight.

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Morning Year 4!
Today we are going to have a go at some capacity word problems.
Try to work through the possible options before you choose the right ones.

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The book Flotsam has no words yet we are able to imagine the story. On this page, the boy visits the beach, can you add some words to this part of the story? What might the boy be thinking, feeling or saying in each picture?

Have you ever been to the beach? What was it like?

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Good morning Year 4! Our new topic is Summer and will continue until the end of the school term.
You can find more learning activities on our Year 4 Blogs page at
You can sign up to comment on the Year group blogs at

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Hill Mead Students! Today we launch our Summer Art Project! Please see details below on how to be involved. Don't forget to write your first name on your drawing, and post your picture in the comments section below with your name and year group. Have fun and get creative!🌞

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Today we will combine Maths and Art by Tessellating Triangles. A shape tessellates when copies of it cover a flat surface without leaving any gaps. You can draw your design straight onto paper or cut out triangles to create a collage. Remember to post your tessellation creations!

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