Hits78 Radioさんのプロフィール画像

Hits78 Radioさんのイラストまとめ

Tweets by @TheRandySteel - We play All the Hit Music from the 70s and 80s AND more Locally performed Music than ANY other station.

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kochane Niemcury poraz pierwszy przywitały słońcem! by dragonflyischnura

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By is_cash "Http:/igg.me/at/mymiddlenameiscash please take a moment to visit this link and help t...

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👌Perfect combination. Grilled Cheese and 👯The life you want to live tour Great first day! ...

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Primo ascolto ed è già amore!!! Stupendoooo!!!!!!! by lorenzofrescura

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So you think you can tell, heaven from hell? Blue skies from pain?

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Old times on maiden.
by adriannikolov

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