

Find my cultured stuff on my alt @HoaArtsR18 | Art Stickers at HoaArts.com

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I used to blame others, for my setbacks.

Then: Phone stolen? Mugger's fault.

How can I control external events or people? What I CAN control is myself. So! I blame myself now.

Now: Negotiation/MMA skills to get out of situations.

Do you think you should blame yourself?

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I cringe so hard when I look at my past work be it art, videography, game dev, and even relationships. Do you guys cringe when you look back on your past work. If you do cringe like me its okay, I think it just means we've grown since then!

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I used to jump a lot of fences running from a lot of bully's, cops, and school security back in my Jr. High and High School days :/ I was with a kinda bad group but at least I learned how to be decisive running with them :')

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A girl once asked the Gods to help her save her little village from drought, the Gods granted her wish.

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