

howdyyy im SlimeCatt, i doodle stuff and animate sometimes
💜 @ALazyFox1 💜

pfp by @bottle_cool

フォロー数:4991 フォロワー数:1691

a friend did this and it made me wanna do it so i did

1 13

ive been doodling refs for my characters, so far ive done these 4

5 25

happy birthday , sorry its late, i was drawing these yesterday but then i fell asleep .w.

4 24

its me and 's birthday today, so i made some doodlez~

7 41

i made some doodles of the draaaaaaaaagon boi

23 98

heres what their name and colors might be

2 22



a little birthday doodle for which might... have been yesterday .w.

6 38