

im underage | any pronouns

pr0fiction DNI


using my art for personal use with credits is 🆗️
no reposting ⛔️


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happy halloween heres some pjsekai edits
i was omw to do them all, but recent events got me so bad and didnt wanted to finish them all, sorry


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today's doodles on free draw

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lesbian impact
(repost bc i needed to add important things)

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(also coulnd find nendo)
he plays rhythm games and is scarily good at them. mentally and physically tired GO TO SLEEP ITS 5AM FUKASE

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oliver my beloved (also didnt found an nendo)
they seem cold and spooky at first but theyre just nervous, hes really expressive with closer people though
they crush a little on rin too
piko, flower, fukase and him are a friend group)

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piko and miki....the number 2 iconic siblings in my heart
piko is quiet and easy-going and he can be really funny if they feel like it
miki is loud and full of energy but is the sweetest person to exist (a sunshine)

i had to draw them bc i couldnt find nendos of them

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