I'm an artistic vsynth mono Meltus 🏳️‍🌈🍉 (DM for comms only)

comm info: hoodypcommissioninfo.carrd.co
alt: @HoodyPostStuff

フォロー数:620 フォロワー数:523

I made a redesign of a character from my childhood favourite flash game series, 's Drop Dead! (TW: Slight blood)

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Fourth, Todd in SB&TC have a group supporting him initially in the main part of the movie, before the plot twist which makes the group go against him... In DR:UDG, Monaca had the Warriors of Hope, but then after much plot, Nagisa and Kotoko go against Monaca

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Thirdly, the main villain of SD&TB, Todd, plans to brainwash humans to do their own bidding, while Monaca Towa (DR:UDG) brainwashed children to do her own bidding...

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Sometimes I misread “RIP=RELEASE” as “RIP AND RELEASE” and now I present to you these two pictures to represent my thought process of the whole thing…

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So here is my tier list made from it... Honestly, there are just too many vocal synths that I didn't recognize, so I just picked the ones I know (I know Hiyama Kiyoteru is in the selection list, but I srsly don't know where is he lol, I would've placed him in A tier lol) https://t.co/mUO7xMTUu6

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Chu chu chu shaki ni ki ki ki ki kisu wo shita.

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Just got like Cloud's Lite package and it seemed like they are doing a promotion where you can make different personalities for your voice for free! So, I'm currently doing recordings for Ameko Kero's CoeFont voice, and also made finished face pics for it!

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Well, for both, it’s Your Turn To Die by Nankidai, I’m so happy to play Chapter 3-B that was released about a few months ago, and can’t wait to see how it would end!

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Eleener Fortnite AI is FINALLY IN MY PC BAYBEH!!!!

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