

Management @ClickMedia_ • 📩 [email protected]

フォロー数:1004 フォロワー数:54759

expectation vs reality

193 1343

On a more positive note, sis’ eyeshadow is LAID.

Too bad it’s covered up 🤭

27 498

“2020 is going to be a fresh start to a new decade”

So far:

- World War 3 scare
- Kobe Bryant and daughter passes
- Coronavirus
- NBA is suspended
- E3 is cancelled
- Tom Hanks has coronavirus

560 2145

me scrolling through twitter at 3AM

76 340

LGBT Queens of Overwatch 🏳️‍🌈 👑

212 1218

me when i go battle mercy and miss all my shots

174 782

when you catch your dps duoing with another mercy main

186 1014

new twitter banner by 💕

6 253