

フォロー数:583 フォロワー数:463

Long ago someone needed liquidity & tried to hustle me this guy. Little did I know we would become the best of friends after that. It all started with a jpeg. When I see this piece I'm reminded of our journey together. What brings your to life?

5 20

There is a rebellion against the norm, it starts slowly with a spark...

4 14

First I was thirsty, drank a cup of V8, fooled, not blood. Then I ate the neighbor's dog, which I found out had mange. Drank some Pepto to calm my stomach, and now this. Maybe I'm allergic? This undead life ain't easy!

1 5

Calling all MINT COLORED BACKGROUNDS! If you've got one, reply... Sats, Monsters, & Santas! style!

Check us out:

6 27

Reminds me of this treasure 💪🏼

1 3

This may hurt... you pull my tape, I'll pull yours on 3...

1 7

Enter the Matrix - Does your Discord Bot do cool $hit like this? Mad props to a kicka$$ dev team. Delicious Sat Sandwiches & Stacks by the Mad Wizard LEGEND!

Join us:

10 34

Something told me not to use that new shampoo. I'll never blend in at the party now!

Mint your Handsome Devil Here:

Join the family:

6 20

Broccoli, what was I thinking... I should have stuck to my human diet! Happy Halloween to all you plant and meat eaters!

3 26