Sunshine ☉さんのプロフィール画像

Sunshine ☉さんのイラストまとめ

Vote @BTS_twt for Top Social Artist at the #BBMAs #BTSBBMAs MAIN ACCOUNT : @asshiacious

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:1219

"Oh my~. Love hasn't age, Natsu~"

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"Erza surely wants to eat a cake. Well, we don't have cake."

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"Good weither, really~"

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"Morning Sting~" She waves at

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Hip all holding a part of pizza in her mouth} Oha-you. Why are you around alone?

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// uh okay, poor Kid

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Just an idiot can ask this kind of question to woman. Baka! I've some doubt on you, Roronoa.

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Ohayou... uh.. Orga-san? {The white long haired woman looks up laying her finger on her chin as she--

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