

30s ♂️ // I make m/m webcomics // MAY CONTAIN DARK OR DISTURBING EROTIC THEMES // responsible adults only 🚮

フォロー数:350 フォロワー数:3437







anyway in the midst of all this nonsense here's a colored version of a thing i posted on tapas as a teaser for my new comic hive heart

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did a collab trade thing w nachte where we do a sketch, trade and do the lineart for each other's sketches, and then trade back to color, this time we did drarry lol, it was fun!!

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I drew this a while ago but basically Venom coming out inspired me to revisit a couple of 's old OCs Walter and Nova, they're really hot and cute and I love them

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an ant bee shitpost

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these designs are slightly obsolete now but here's an old doodle of ant and bee smoochin' naked

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i wanna post my sweet beautiful tree demon boy here too now

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i redrew a really, really old shitty OC and surprise he's still shitty but at least he's drawn better lmao, shoutout to the one, maybe two people who remember this nasty bastard

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