

Am badger-squirrel. ⓐ³gorist, incipit liberatio in domo, Spooner was right #ShallNotBeInfringed #UnderNoPretext #AntipedoAction

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:271

The first measure was put into law June 26th, 1934.

This was a mistake.

There should be no laws prohibiting or otherwise limiting the use and acquirement of arms.

And now there's more gun control.

So a reminder for folk...


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Reject the state. Embrace the counter-economy.

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I made nightmare fuel.

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Those following me over this, just know where I stand.

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1. A reskin of existing characters or European (Nordic) mythology
2. So stereotypical I'm surprised those they pander to ain't been outraged
3. A token

It's all become so shallow.

Pics related (no, I still ain't forgiving them for how they changed Monica's backstory)

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"The government's lying to you..."
Bootlickers: "Heh. Conspiracy theorist."
Assamge: "... and here's the receipts."

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You are also faced with a decision on what to do with families such as these. Unity is an option.

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I just found out Mark Hamill voiced this guy.

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