

Geek! Freestyle Collector #Mfer #ZombieClub #XRC #CryptoPunk #BAYC

フォロー数:1500 フォロワー数:7862

Finally got a blue beam 2062 to my collection NICE!
thx for the deal

21 691

I think bear market is a good time to get some rare apes
Just got one more Grin Diamond Grill
thx for the trade.
Well I will do some interest thing with my 15 cool apes over bear market!!

16 309

Just got my new trippy for 220 eth in bear market, thx for the trade!!!

59 1267

Sniped a new grin gold grill ape
Have seen nice business possibilities for this ape!!

16 466

FOMOING!!! Collected two trippy M2 into my apes team today LFG !!!

30 384

550e bought 4 more today. First time love a such harmonious crazy eyes ape with horns and diamond grill which used to be collected by

41 642