

Swiss 🇨🇭 Cartoonist and Creator of the webcomic FreddyFox: , Always open for commissions, lvl 36

フォロー数:1141 フォロワー数:2959

Cheetah Kid

A late birthday gift for ^^'

For justice! :D

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Music Stars

"Ready for key change?" ^^

Just a little picture I drew for and

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Please insert tasty cookies here :D

Just was in the mood to draw a little, hungry German Shepherd ^^

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Falstaff and Truck
We have low standards... and we know it
Falstaff & Truck

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What a wonderful day

Dodger just enjoys hicking through the nature ^^

A little picture I drew for shepcoon

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Fennekin handstand

"Look! With only one hand!" ^^

Here's a picture I drew for UtopiaRayZexal

It's him as Fennekin

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Floating away

Just a little picture I drew for MagentaPaws ^^

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Paint it blue!

Here's a picture I drew for VulpineKeyblader. It's his chara Loofy the fox ^^

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Simon and Freddy - 78 - They just want to play

All fun and games till they got you with their little, sharp teeth

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Beary good

"The rabbit? Yeah,I saw him this morning. He tasted fantastic!"

Just some random bear I drew ;)

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