Human Figure in Art.さんのプロフィール画像

Human Figure in Art.さんのイラストまとめ

Art. Past and Present.

フォロー数:282 フォロワー数:30823

Andrea Sacchi.1599-1661. Male Nude in the Wind. Red chalk.

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Richard Müller.1874-1954. Drawing Class.

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Richard Müller.1874-1954. Untitled.

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Hans Baldung.1484-1545. Hercules and Antaeus.1530. Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister-Kassel Germany.

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Denijs Calvaert.1540-1619. Standing Male Nude.

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Dosso Dossi.1489-1542. Triumph of Bacchus.1514.

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Pietro Benvenuti.1769-1844. Apollo Winner of the Serpent Python.1813.

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Thomas J. Gillot.1886-1913. Life Class.1912. Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery.

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Girolamo Macchietti.1535-1592. Seated Youth. Red chalk highlighted with white chalk,on off-white paper washed with pale ochre. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.

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François Boucher.1703-1770. Venus Demanding Arms from Vulcan for Aeneas.1732. Louvre Museum.

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