Human Figure in Art.さんのプロフィール画像

Human Figure in Art.さんのイラストまとめ

Art. Past and Present.

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:31131

Pablo Picasso.1881-1973. The Adolescents.1904-1906. Museum of Orangerie. Paris.

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Dosso Dossi.1490-1542. Wise with Compass and Globe. National Gallery of Ferrara.Italy.

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Italian School. A River God. 17th century. Private collection.

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Sergei Svetlakov. Young man.

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Lucian Freud.1922-2011. Eli and David.2005-2006. National Portrait Gallery. London.

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Joseph Highmore.1692-1780. Academy Study of a Male Nude. Tate Gallery. London.

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Francesco Bartolozzi.1725-1815. Eros and Psyche.(Attributed to). Tate Gallery. London.

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Jean Baptiste Greuse.1725-1805. Kneeling Male Nude Holding a Staff. Private collection.

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Simon Vouet.1590-1649. Sleeping Venus.1630-1640. Szepmüveszeti Múzeum. Budapest Hungary.

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Guido Reni.1575-1642. Hercules on the Pyre.1617-1619. Louvre Museum.

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