

I’m an animator / artist / storyteller on youtube! I love animating aliens! I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, 22 and going to Regent University this fall!

フォロー数:149 フォロワー数:2801

taking a few wiggle animations commissions like this!

2 42

my baby boi static! I love him and his weird toes, dont touch him cuz he always staticy >w<

7 99

i'm sure other people have noticed this! But I was just watching infinity train and got super startled when I noticed the eraser on her pencil looks like the frog from Over The Garden Wall!!

6 72

Adopt made by my sister to help her go to washington DC on a school trip! feel free to bid on it here:

9 61

3 pages of an audition for Labyrinth OCT on deviantart! This is my intro, but Ninpisn and I are collabing and teaming up our characters for the oct!

8 73

flat color payment for rye-whiskey

19 153

two emoji adopts open for adopt here:

14 99

Socket's dog factory is so huge that is has it's own gravitational pull + atmosphere, as well as a few moons that revolve around it! The closest moon there is where Idle lives.

6 68

New character of mine! I'm open to name suggestions for her if any of ya'll can think of any ^^

13 121