

- inactive -
2D/3D whatever artist
✨on my way to nowhere, in search of nothing in particular✨

フォロー数:768 フォロワー数:217

there it is, my tattoo idea. which is just an idea until I find a fitting tattoo artist 🙏

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ahem... I'm still doing 3d art??! life is really strange right now and work keeps draining my modeling battery but I wanted to just model something tiny and I need to get used to 3ds max again since I'm only using maya at work. So yea, this took way too long already but eeeeeeee

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congratulations to everyone who can even vaguely guess what baby me drew here

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I present to you my most important asset of the scene:

a chair.

I'm kidding. just wanted to post 3d stuff so no one thinks I turned into a 2d artist overnight ✨

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🌿 I took so many pictures I can probably paint 500 of these 🌿

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from time to time I get the urge to draw and I really liked your last photo. my first drawing in months (!!!!) can you beliiiiieeeveee

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