

42|Hetero|♂️♐️ Hobby graphic artist | Washington Commanders fan #K9COMMAND | Merch on Teepublic

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That is why my submitted logo contains old burgundy for more depth of color!

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Good for those who love Redwolves, Good for those who hate Redwolves!

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Two animals:
The Thunderbird and the Wolf
Both are essential to Native American mythology.

But only one has been declared as offensive to use as a school name by Native American tribes and activists….Oh and does not exist in real life.

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Some people like football helmets with wraparound design. So by request I decided to do my Wolves logo with a wraparound helmet design.

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Or, if Washington decides not to use any name with the prefix Red, we can simply be the Wolves!

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THEM: "Wolves are seen in Native American culture, so that name should be out!"

ME: Look at SOME of the schools that renamed their NA-themed teams to Redwolves. All were approved by NA activists. Do you see anything in these logos that remind you of Native Americans? No? Exactly

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Even if we drop the Red, Wolves works too!


HOWL for all DC!

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