

NSFW 🔞 // self-taught ametuer artist. still learning a lot // I draw what I like // all characters depicted 18+// pfp by @BeanSproutTea

フォロー数:1006 フォロワー数:5984



Progress report. I've learned a lot in a short time but obviously, I can still improve in a lot of departments. One thing I've really learned about myself is that I looooove glows!🌇

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So, i'm like more than a week late (please forgive me), but here's my tiger for the new year!

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Got a new tablet and decided to test it out. RoR is still living rent free in my head.

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Still fucking around and practicing shading and glows. Bonus base sketch because I like it.

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Happy New Year Everyone! I hope we all turn into the people we strive to be!

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WIP... I hate doing backgrounds but I need the practice soooooo 💁‍♂️

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It's amazing what a new brush can do for you. I might finish this later.

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After looking at art, I wanted to try messing with glows and shading. Learned a bit as a result... Alright, I just wanted an excuse to draw Mik. On that note, I've always imagined her to be pretty blunt whenever she feels like it.

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