

29yrs He/Him. Pathfinder 1e/DnD 5e enjoyer. Trails (Kiseki)/Fire Emblem/MegaTen/Tales of/Ys/MegaMan/InFAMOUS fan. I stream on Twitch sometimes.…

フォロー数:2842 フォロワー数:394

The Character | The Fandom

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So it took me until the Fragment Chapter after Chapter 4 of Azure to give a shit about Lloyd, but I like Lloyd now.

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This is Mieu, he’s annoying, and kind of a klutzy idiot, but he’s a good lad. He annoys the hell out of Luke though lmao

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I got Tales of

I’ve only beaten Abyss, and I’ve almost beaten Berseria, but I’ve played at least half of Symphonia, Graces f, Vesperia, Xillia 1 & 2, and Zestiria.

Runners up include Sophie from Graces f and Yuri from Vesperia.

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