

This is the official twitter for Hypervision Adventures LLC, a small tabletop RPG dev company looking to bring our vision to others! #ttrpg #indiedeveloper

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Choose your Source of Power!
Darkness: Do you seek the truth, no matter how terrible? Do you want to warn others of impending doom? Are you ready to fight the Light? Then the Source of Darkness is right for you!
Follow us to learn more about our class system!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Light is the origin of desire itself, and the Gold dragon is its master! This dragon can detect lies and blind enemies with a thought! It will vaporize you with the light of the sun! Darkness can not prevail!

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Choose your Source of Power!
Light: Do you seek the truth? Are you ready to fight the Darkness? Do you want to show people a better future? Then the Source of Light is right for you!
Follow us learn more about our class system!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Chaos is the origin of freedom itself, and the Chimeric dragon is its master! This dragon can shift its form on a whim! It has multiple heads and multiple plans! Freedom will always prevail!

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Choose your Source of Power!
Chaos: Are you a free spirit? Do you believe that breaking rules makes you stronger? Do you want to set others free? Then the Source of Chaos is right for you!
Follow us to learn more about our class system!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Law is the origin of structure itself, and the Silver dragon is its master! This dragon wields the most terrifying power of all, counterspells! Every move you make is already known. Chaos is not permitted to win!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Balance is the origin of stillness itself, and the Cloud dragon is its master! This dragon carries enlightenment wherever it goes. All are awestruck by its ideas. Once it starts talking, you have already lost the battle!

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Choose your Source of Power!
Balance: Are you willing to listen? Do you value the words of both the highest and lowest? Are you willing to bring an end the violence? Then the Source of Balance is right for you!
Follow us to learn more about our class system!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Evil is the origin of cruelty itself, and the Obsidian dragon is its master! This dragon's body is covered with volcanic glass. Its very touch is painful to others, and its magic will melt your flesh! "Good" is a lie!

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Time for another dragon! The Source of Good is the origin of beauty itself, and the Ivory dragon is its master! This dragon can heal with a touch, summon angels, and smite the wicked! Evil must be stopped!

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