

The DC-initiative of IA&A, Hillyer is a contemporary arts center dedicated to serving artists & the public through quality artistic programming.

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Hands! Hands! Hands! Davis' figures, with limbs pointed with a geometric erraticality, fascinate the viewer.

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Van Halen shows a face tastefully cut into eight sections with eyes splayed in two separate directions. Davis uses this motif often in her work. How do you think Van Halen connects with Davis' overarching themes of social justice?

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Look closely at TZENG's depiction of the landscape in this piece. What do you notice about the way the ink is applied? This technique, called Cun, is a traditional Chinese painting technique in which brushstrokes or dabs give texture to the surface of the picture.

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Take a closer look at Tessa Click and our other artists’ works tomorrow at 1& 3pm during our guided tours! We will explore the hidden symbols in the artists' works on display in all of our galleries!

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Immerse yourself in Tessa Click and Noel Kassewitz’s artistic works today. Your chance to talk with the artists about what fuels their imagination starts at 2pm today at Hillyer.

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Monday night means Life Drawing class! Come into the gallery to practice your artwork with access to a live model and an artistic atmosphere! Walk-ins are $15/$10 for members.

Artwork by kv.brookbury:

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Up next, we're happy to introduce , a seasonal publication featuring artists with Central American ancestry. They will be at this Thursday's Queer Zine Fair—join us from 6:30-8:30pm to meet the co-founders and learn about opportunities to submit!

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We have just 5 more days with RICHard SMOLinski’s immersive, subversive exhibition,  Visit Hillyer by Sunday Oct 28 to take a closer look!

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Tonight at 7pm don't miss a film screening and talks with artists and activists from Standing Rock. We'll be showing documentary "Black Snake Killaz" with live commentary, followed by a drum circle with reception and art for sale.

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Don't miss today's Closing Reception and Talks highlighting the Join us at at 2pm to hear talks by collection curator Sarah Tanguy and IA&A founder David Furchgott.

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