

Dad. Designer. Destroyer. KILLustrator.

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hail the Back when I was just learning how to paint digitally, one of my favorite Chinese heroes, Wu Song. Ever the icon of "do what others say can't be done" sprinkled with a little Sun Tzu.

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Semester's revving up to high gear again. It's inspiring to see folks testing the waters and leaving their day jobs to pursue their dreams. I feel like I'm working up to that, whether art is the dream or not. Bushido and bunnies; they line my path.

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Celebrating the end of another semester with some de-stress sketching and some . Oddly enough, me and the tablet monitor ain't workin' out so well. Always the technique, never the tool.

Wacom `til I die lol.

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Morning! Gotta get used to the rapid nature of Twitter haha. Either way, here's some Monday Motivation for anyone who needs it! Retweet depending on which one speaks to you most hehe

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