

We're all about video games, movies, TV, and comics!

フォロー数:1443 フォロワー数:10041072

. posts some X-Men Apocalypse concept art. The ship, not the person, is the topic here. =)

53 110

Snowed in? Dplayer97 helps beat the cold by facing off against these wintry villains on http://t.co/tslTNY46cx

21 52

This stunning new Battlefront concept art gives gameplay hints. http://t.co/vJmyeZyGHF

438 666

Here are 26 big 4 games coming out in 2015. http://t.co/9t2ZEvDyla

255 430

Still thinking about picking up Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire?

Check out our review: http://t.co/ahyfnjp4T2

69 168

This week, 20 years ago, brought Donkey Kong back onto the scene with re-imagines looks and gameplay!

296 321

. director reveals who was almost cast as Star-Lord. http://t.co/gh6cGTjyWQ

80 127

It's Friday! We made it, y'all! We made it! :')

278 342

You can choose to align with the Horde or Alliance in the WarCraft movie sites. http://t.co/0XroaUfIYG

39 68

This Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D poster is absolutely beautiful. http://t.co/HkBGUYK5MP

571 874