

FF7的Cloti中心,Cloud fans,只會中文的宅宅塗鴉師!
FF7 CT最高!

フォロー数:259 フォロワー数:613

I envy you to understand it, please enjoy it.❤

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Happy Birthday Cloud!🎉🎉🧨🎆🎈
May your deepest wishes come true and be happy forever.✨️💝💖

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Thank you for your encouragement, I also love the cute pictures.🥰❤

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I think it would be easier for them to just leave FF7 than to create a new script, at least without the effort of trying to write a shit story. Although this kind of drama is only enjoyed by people of my mother's generation.😌

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This book has been arguing for a long time, and I have been trying to figure out the difference, thank you blue for supporting my argument.

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