mik :)さんのプロフィール画像

mik :)さんのイラストまとめ

mik! | art! | they/them | 18

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:358

-your energy levels are off the charts... how...
-people have definitely called you annoying before and you have definitely not cared
-you like seeing others smile!
-you like moving around a lot and you're probably super agile
-people wonder if you're actually real

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-twitch streamer
-you too say poggers a lot
-you have an older sibling/friend who you adore!
-people call you annoying sometimes
-you used to rp a lot... you probably had a red-eyed demon oc

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-you're so quiet... you baby
-gamer gf
-you're very talented but you don't have the courage to show it
-you stay inside your room a lot...
-i hope you're doing well!! i will bless u with courage...

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-people often misjudge you for your looks
-but you're so!! fucking pretty though!!!!
-you like taking care of people!
-you're most certainly Not Straight
-everything falls apart when you're not around

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-oh you definitely have some inferiority issues..
-you can come off as a little cold at first but you're secretly very soft
-you work harder than everyone else to catch up
-i hope you're okay... you can be a lil sad at times..

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-you're a huge fucking nerd
-people have made fun of your laugh...
-glasses gang!! glasses gang!
-you're very insecure about your identity and you struggle a lot with it...
-i love you fellow maya kinnies....

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-you may be a weeb but you are a ~respectful~ weeb
-you're so fucking pure oh my goddddd
-you're very hard working and you have a strong belief system!
-you're so fucking! pretty pt.2
-you are so cute... i will squish ur cheeks

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-you've been called a bitch before
-you're so fucking! pretty!!
-repression for the sake of professionalism
-people call you a "savage"
-you can say some mean things at times but you have good intentions at the end of the day
-i love you...

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-you're so smart at everything...
-everything you say is so cursed
-socializing is hard
-you have an older sibling who you're not close with

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-you like pastel pink a lot... like a lot a lot
-you buy a lot of sanrio goods
-you're fairly clumsy but that makes you even cuter
-you really like love live
-you cry easily

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