

🇨🇳 //愿暖阳常驻你心☀

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:113

Yin Zheng is so beautiful in white T-shirt🥰

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My friend wants a picture of Yin Zheng with Fox ears and I added a tail😘

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🎉Congratulations on Yin Zheng's success in losing weight🎉

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I always have the illusion that I'm drawing a female star.😥

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I find it hard to believe that he is 34…He looks like a little kid today!

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(ꈍᴗꈍ)To be honest, I want to be whipped by him.

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Oh my gosh, I'm starting to like SSX and SXR as a CP too😆

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Losing weight must be done in a healthy way٩( 'ω' )و Yin Zheng is becoming thinner and more beautiful, I also want to start to lose weight🥺

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(๑´ڡ`๑)I like to watch food cooking programs, and I prefer to watch the people I like cook delicious food💕

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