

@SAK_SAK_SAKUMAくんの幸せを願って止まないよ (art acc: @sakumaluvr69)

フォロー数:865 フォロワー数:507

Toh spoilers


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You can evwr imagine. Not even a slash j. Not even a hj when i say i love ioriku more than i love anything else! They are my favorite thijg to draw. My favorite thing to think about. There is not a day in my life since april 2019 that i havent thought about ioriku at least once!

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I am so srs and gen when i say no ship will ever replace ioriku for me. Never. Not until i die! Been iorkfan number one SINCE 2019. I am forever loyal to them. I wont even add other ships to this thread. Call me crazy all you want. Im crazy and I'm free. I love ioriku more than

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Always grateful to have more i7motuals

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I had a thought tho What if its just his fatger when he was young but tgen . Theres no way he got that ugly + diff hair color

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