

Crypto/Blockchain is the only way.

I like to fly Drones.

*V1 Crypto Punk #5786


フォロー数:3809 フォロワー数:5802

doing numbers rn

NFA = Not fucking Around

nfa = not financial advice

1 6

i like this one. going to get another just waiting a little to snipe

1 6

don't sale your Soda for 2k. that's a low ball for a white fur

1 9

I'll tell you what community is strong. 5,500 unique holders in 2 weeks. That was reached faster then some blue-chip projects.

23 62

The community is lit 24/7 so I had to sniped this bad boy. get hip or get left buy the dip, which is now.

24 87

Floor up 150% in the last hour
coming in hot, don't get priced out#WALLASTRONG

12 38