

For pic updating and pic hunting✌️currently FGO up-- Arjuna X Karna; Rama X Sita; Gil X Enkidu; Gil X Saber, etc.| English & 中文(國語) pls...super poor Japanese..…

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:199
# fatego

and I realized it was my 1st time to draw Seig...although he is the second gold card I received..right after Karna..

4 10

Jeanne Alter has recently beated Nobu and became my favorite female servant...QuQ

3 4

【学パロ??】"太陽にかわっておしおきよ!メイクアップ!" ……ヽ(`Д ´ )ノ

15 35

[For Arjuna's new hair style]...hmmmmm...orz

20 34

...Cannot control my hand...

3 3

補魔!!!Master Arjuna X Servant Karna Alter follow-up ~ | 2.5 page hmmm hope the translation is fine...>//////<

40 103

eeeeeeeek seems Karna alter better be Rider class...Rider version >///<

1 9

*学パロ* —— Servant Karna Alter summoned by Master Arjuna | inspired by paraparadiso (๑´ㅂ`๑)

28 45

Arjuna X Karna (ジュナカル) follow-up...I found it was so interesting to change Karna's face hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~>////<

25 117

Arjuna X Karna (ジュナカル)...。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。kufufufufufufufu…

22 95