

@base | @weepingplebs | $WEEP

フォロー数:309 フォロワー数:2556

The pond isn’t a pond anymore. Plenty of room for big fish.

2 4

I just wanna give a genuine thank you to being a part of the OG's in this project already is & will be even more life changing. just won this for 100% free via for holding an OG, my 2nd win today! who's gonna buy a Lotto ticket with me?

10 18

you are the man for this gift of got my to my goal of 10!

5 7

My beautiful OG on 7 day flash sale as I get ready for 2023. back in if someone doesn't scoop.

4 8

I was nice enough to leave this from when I picked my out just now. killer drop!

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