

I used to love Atelier(AP1-19), JRPG, MagicalGirl, Slice of Life. のぞみのアトリエです! 私の大事な人 : アトリエシリーズ、プリキュアシリーズ、JRPG、にちじょうけいアニメ。よろしくお願いします!^^
PSN: LordIchikyo

フォロー数:344 フォロワー数:1632

"But nintendo is interested in genshin"
Really? Been 2 years they didnt do anything for this on switch

Same as asking Nintendo when the fuck Massage Freaks will ever release on switch

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Missing the Yuugen time of Plachta

5 8

Atelier Sophie 2 Artbook get

So busy with Genshin i forgot to share some scans

13 26

1h left

Eustia rerelease on modern console platform

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Dont know why nsex think Atlus hate persona on nintendo platform
Its like nsex forgot atlus never port these exclusive nintendo persona (etrian odyssey) for ps xbox nor pc

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I miss when Xbox was caring for Japanese games...

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Yeah definitely Heaven Burn Red is a big yes

Makes me wonder how this can put a Blue Reflection Sun to shame

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