

🇵🇭♏️ l Videogamer & Artist l Punslinger & Bringer of Wacky Chaos l Male l He/Him


フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:196

Hey... Have some Captain Britain artwork that's made by moi!

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One Wasp artwork wasn't enough... So here's another one!

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Tee hee! I drew a Wasp artwork for an event at Tumblr.

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Oh look! The First Avenger comes along in this art spam of mine...

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I think this one was supposed to go first... So here, have some Avengers Cap!

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Stand aside! We got a MCU-verse Captain America that's gonna pounce on the next unfortunate baddie!

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Also in the fray of the art spam is Modern Ultimate Cap!

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What's this? The Fighting Avenger decides to join in the art spamming!

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And then somewhere down the line... Classic Captain America joins the art spam!

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Another previous Fire Emblem artwork! This time it features the lovely noblewoman archer, Louise!

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