

🇦🇺 🇰🇷 | ORV + Alien Stage + Dead Plate enthusiast | CEASE FIRE!!!!
Sua is gonna come back, trust

フォロー数:939 フォロワー数:152

Hello, and congrats on 2K!! The name's Nightmare, or Night, I draw poems and I write cool drawings :]
Some amazing artists or writer moots that absolutely deserve more love and followers are:
@/DestinysDesign2 @/peura2714 @/quin_t_
Go check them (and me maybe) out!!

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Happy Halloween!! Have a SpoOkY witch :)

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I did for two hours
are you happy

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Here is a preview on my art :]

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After 169,696,969,000 years...
I learnt how to draw basic boobas.

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Esmeralda, Sophie and Naoko and Eris....
Also a lot of korean actors I forgot the names to

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Oh yeah I forgot to post this
Btw only two were properly drawn by me because I dunno how to draw flowers, Halloween cats, or splatoon things.

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Hit tweet!! Follow me, I write art and I draw poetry

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Not OCs, just trying to figure out how to create characters that are original and cool looking

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Helloo! The name's Night, and I draw art and I write poetry (if you wanna check out my poetry, go give my pinned tweet a visit :])
My goal is 125 followers!! Please spare a follow if you like my stuff /nf

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