

Professional overanalyzer of pixels. Sage of Sarcasm. Still trying to find out what else to do with my life.

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So which Bombeetle do you like more?

1 41

The team is hosting a contest for y'all to design Prismatic designs for the starters (shinies)! Prismatics are not a simple recolor, but a retexture of the Feralite! Images below are references to an example Prismatic along with the starters for those interested!

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These are my favorite creatures from all the monster taming games that have had an impact on me. What are yours?

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This is now the physical representation of fear in the pvp community

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Have any of y'all gotten my Content Creator skin in yet? It was added in the latest update. I'll cover it here soon!👀

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Doodle World has given me my own personal Title and Color! Soon, you guys can be bullied by RNGesus too!

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not really, the angle u see here is pretty much perfect for everything

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