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Been since I was at 99 followers, so I'd just like to thank yall for following a babby artist that doesn't know what he's doing / shitposter that very much knows what he's doing :)
Special thanks to @DeePeeArts and @HolBolDoTweet because their artshares gave me that final push.
You know... Cyndaquil is my favorite pokemon of all time so this sequence spoke to me on a deep emotional level. @ScottFalco
Ok I had to reupload them because twitter decided to give them a black background...
@ScottFalco #aStinkyday
Still happy birthday!
I wrote a blog post about that, about why I fucking hate videogames, because this is what it does, it appeals tolike... the male fantasy
"Alright listen up, this is a robbery I'm not here for your gil, I'm here for the Grand Company's gil, your gil is insured by the Eorzean Alliance, you will not lose a single coin, think of your families, don't be a hero. So stay on the ground and stay quiet!"
I ended up digitizing that bus doodle because the thought of a smugass Karen would not let me sleep.
Oh no... #FFXIV knows that I'm fukin' WEAK to women in suits.