

Random guy from MN. Eagle Scout, amateur VA, former radio host, traveler. Star Wars nerd. Sometimes painter & photographer.

フォロー数:356 フォロワー数:75
# mlpfim

“Want to hit up the Ciderfest Twi? I’ll win a plush for you.”
“Remember what happened the last time we tried Flim & Flam’s game?”
“I promise I won’t go all ‘Dark Man’ again.”
’s Twilight and Sunset laughed and strolled down to the fair, determined to win this time

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Grinning, 's Nightmare Moon idly studied the head of one of the fools who tried to attack her after defeating Celestia years ago.
"I would have thought my dear Sister's apprentice would send better but you obviously weren't her best were you?"

(fan color relaxing fun)

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Two ghostly figures started to materialize below ’s Arch Mage Twilight Sparkle.
Nightmare Moon could conjure spirits and now she could as well.
The spirits bowed before her as she grinned, her eye twitching slightly from the magic’s after effects.
(Fan coloring fun)

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Hard to believe it's been 11 years since started.
I never thought I'd enjoy it as much as I have.
I couldn't stand the original as a kid but G4 got me.
I laughed, cried and enjoyed the characters as they grew throughout the series.
It will always have a place in my heart.

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“Hey beautiful. Wanna see me go fast?” ’s Rainbow Dash grinned as she revved her bike’s engine.
Rarity rolled her eyes and grinned back. “Keep it up hotshot and I’ll pull the secret thread that will make you a real streaker on the racetrack.”
(Fan coloring relaxation)

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“Be careful now…” ’s Fluttershy aimed and fires her Blunderbunny gun.
The enemy crew’s eyes widened in horror at the bunny flying at them with a small sword in hand. The reputation of Fluttershy and Angel was well known across the seas.
“Good job Angel!”
coloring fun

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As usual, ’s Admiral Luna personally led the attack on the enemy ship, her anger seething.
“No quarter but leave the Captain alive!”She yelled as her crew joined the attack
The upstart Tempest had been raiding her fleet and she had finally found one of her ships.

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"Oh darling..." 's Rarity chuckled as she recovered after being knocked to the ground, the purple dragon scales of her top shimmering as she moved "That was quite rude." Her sword's sharp edge gleamed in the sun "Someone needs a lesson it seems..."

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’s Derpy has a secret method for crisping her muffins that adds that special “zing” that everypony raves about

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Close your eyes, ’s Fluttershy has a reward for you

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