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Creators will create. Gifts I love doing the most ♾️🔥🫀🫁

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GM 🌎! I hope you have an amazing week with lots of Clarity, Creativity, Presence, Love & Health.

🎨 by Daniel Liev

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Integrating into systems that allow you to own nature-based solutions portfolios 💳🌱☀️

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Imagine being able to grow corals🌊, trees🌳, mangroves🐠...restore our natural ecosystems🐼 every time you make a purchase; Climate Change impact embedded into mobile banking systems

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Learn STEAM skills to help us address the Climate Crisis. Our new approach with enables you to restore our reefs from the comfort of your home. Our website will be launched next week ➕🌊❤️

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Beyond Learning.

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Tenemos nuevo website! Integramos sistema de contribuciones y estamos ultimando detalles para que a partir del 7/04 accedas a + 360 videos en línea, software STEAM, ebooks y más - todo mientras patrocinas la formación de un niño o niña de colegios rurales!

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🚨🧠📰📬📮🗞Pronto anunciamos alianzas muy fuertes para enfrentar la cuarentena obligatoria en Colombia [y otros países]! 🇨🇴Seguimos más comprometidos que nunca con la educación y la tecnología🌎 Llegaremos a ti, estés en donde estés 🧠🌱🎨

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