

hello there

フォロー数:392 フォロワー数:145
# dtiys

Dear Wilbur (3/4)

0 35

hi I’m steak, I draw Minecraft men and I’m trying to get to 100 followers

1 3

Hullo! I’m steak and I draw Minecraft men and enjoy breakfast sandwiches

1 4

I’m steak , I’m trying to get to 100 followers you are very Pogchamp and cool

1 5

I’m steak enjoy and I enjoy drawing Minecraft men

2 10

I’m steak and I’m trying to get to 100!

4 6

Well here it is, my ! I fully expect you to do a 100 times better than I did if you do redraw it. Uh vote for me, I’m running to be the president of something idk

0 4