

empowering teams to innovate, communicate, and unlock their full potential by thinking and working visually.

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America is quickly becoming a nation of In fact, next month we’ll be sharing the ImageThink team’s favorite bakes and cooks during this renaissance of culinary adventurism. Sharing recipes is a great activity!


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What's your superpower? Can you draw it? It goes a long way to set aside a few minutes for some at the top of your next whether the assembled parties know one another already or not.

Read More:

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Join us at 2PM Eastern today for Nora Herting's webinar, Elevating Your Virtual Meetings!

Reserve a seat here:

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Distributing an advance report to attendees ahead of your virtual meeting helps guarantee that everyone shows up ready to discuss the relevant issues, and gives them a chance to sync with their internal team members ahead of time.

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Struggling to get your team on the same page when they call in for your At the top of ImageThink's list of tips for better is co-creating the rules of your meeting. Everyone has a stake in the results and feels heard.

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Find yourself having to facilitate a lot of these days? We've put together a primer on our team's best practices for keeping everyone attentive, excited, and included.

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Whether you're self quarantined, on the road, or business-as-usual, is essentialto solving the communication puzzle. Let ImageThink help your team put the pieces in place.

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Even more important than in face-to-face gatherings, a well-made agenda keeps everyone on topic while remoting in. It's also a powerful tool in moving the discussion forward, predicting sticking points, and respecting peoples' time.

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