

Josh Average Is No Longer Here

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:139

I’m READY for Wandersong tonight!!

12:30A CST

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Tired man who makes way too much wrestling-adjacent content

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Oh that's good, it'll be practice for when I eventually want to introduce Azrael

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I literally remade the Implausibly Average logos to look similar to the old TNT logo, and I never thought to make a "IA TAPED!" thing like "TNT LIVE!" lol

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LEGO movie 2 spoilers without context

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it's wild that I made the logo so much better

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Whenever I see this man I want to spin him around by the tail and throw him at a spiked bomb.

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also, made some TNT-ish variants of the Implausibly Average logos

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