

'Time is a Cycle and I laugh at its Eternal Recurrence'

oh no im 26 now. I like Stuff. Im Hyped for TM.

フォロー数:3962 フォロワー数:1320

Okay I got it.
Like how Blitzgreymon is a combo of Atlurkabuterimon and Wargreymon
I have feeling that Cresgarurumon is a combo of MetalGarurumon and Zudomon.
You this makes more sense then you would think.

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Man I really want to sell someone on Houshin Engi tho....but i dont know how....that one is actually a hard sell...cause its very different with how it does things? Does this appeal to you?

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It was mentioned in a Fate 15th Anniversary QnA that Nasu wants to see Bazette in a Wedding Dress one day. Well now that Caren is in FGO, I have a feeling this dream bout to happen in FGO. 5 Star Moon Cancer/Saber Bazette with a Wedding Dress FA, here we come!

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Why didnt i see this sooner.
Holy Fuck Why Didnt I See Sooner!
Holy Fuck! Thats why it was BLITZGreymon as in Lightning.
So thats why its next episode.
Wait then who did MetalGarurumon fused with?

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I never understood why Most Mamemons are Perfect Evolution.
Like MetalMamemon and BigMamemon looks more likr Mamemon's Ultimate Form then a Side Variation...
Whats worse is that Mamemoj's Ultimate Form, PrinceMamemon is lamer then Metal and Big Mamemon.

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Do you remember the Smug Bitchy Tsundere Loli Doll Desu Girl from Rozen Maiden (i dont remember her actual name, it wad Sui something) She was like a big fucking meme character in the 2000s, but it seems she forgotten now.

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I just realized why Avenger don't have his bandanna in his 3rd Ascension, he gave it away as a Valentines Gift.
Well, Caren's here man, your gift has doomed your fate to a Madeleine Wrapping

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Yorokobe Shounen and Shoujo-tachi.
The Father and Daughter has come to haunt your wallet. Your wishes shall now come true

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The Funnels on the Sage Class was no Joke. Zenos being Red to contrast WoL's Red was no joke. Zenos' Sephiroth References and No Masamune was No Joke. It was always leading to this.
Yoshida did say FFVII was his favorite. And Gundam CCA is in FFVII's Blood...

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Cinematic Parallels
Amuro and Char

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