

I'm what you get when the stars collide.

PfP by @wilder_dahlia. Header by @DKIRBYJ.

フォロー数:1142 フォロワー数:421

1. My favorite Pokemon has always been Cyndaquil ever since I first saw one.

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I've never played Subnautica before, but I've heard a lot of good things about it. I'm going to do my best to not jump at every tiny little thing. But I make no promises! Live now!

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I'm excited to see what you come up with!! UwU

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I'm excited to continue Chrono Cross today! Frames might be low but enjoyment be high! I miss Pip though. I need to get some kind of stream announcement image. For now though; look at Pip!

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Thanks to the ever amazing I have a surprise to reveal tomorrow during the stream! Because I'm impatient and can't contain my glee here's a small teaser! Please check Dahlia out and consider commissioning her if you can. She gets my wholehearted rec

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I have no idea what to expect from this game other than Tactics and Mechs. So let's see what it's like, shall we? Live now at ttv/chad_senpai!

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I've played D&D most of my life :D I started with 3.5 but now I mostly play 5e or non D&D systems such as Pathfinder and Star Wars :D I have more experience DMing than playing though. It's nice to meet you :D

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I miss the days when I thought this thing was cute. Used to cheer on this little cherry guy. Now I despise them with every bone of my body.

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Uhhhh. LEGO Masters is a fun time on Hulu, if you have any interest in D&D critical role is on youtube and has like a thousand hours of content lol Lupin on netflix is supposed to be good.

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